Source code for skutil.metrics._act

from __future__ import division, absolute_import, print_function
from h2o.frame import H2OFrame
from ..utils.fixes import is_iterable, dict_keys
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import warnings

__all__ = [

def _as_numpy(*args):
    """Given an iterable (a 1d list, np.ndarray, pd.Series, 
    pd.DataFrame or H2OFrame), convert it into a 1d np.ndarray
    for further processing.

    arrs : list
        Returns a list (of 1d np.ndarrays) of length==len(args)
    def _single_as_numpy(x):
        if not isinstance(x, np.ndarray):
            # if an H2OFrame, just return the first col
            if isinstance(x, H2OFrame):
                # same as ..h2o.util.h2o_col_to_numpy, but
                # that causes circular dependency in imports.
                if not x.shape[1] == 1:
                    raise ValueError('must be 1d column')
                _1d = x[x.columns[0]].as_data_frame(use_pandas=True)
                return _1d[_1d.columns[0]].values
            elif is_iterable(x):
                return np.asarray(x)
                raise TypeError('cannot create numpy array out of type=%s' % type(x))
            return np.copy(x)

    arrs = [_single_as_numpy(i) for i in args]
    if len(arrs) == 1:
        arrs = arrs[0]

    return arrs

[docs]class GainsStatisticalReport(object): """A class that computes actuarial statistics for scoring predictions given prescribed weighting and loss data. Primarily intended for use with ``skutil.h2o.H2OGainsRandomizedSearchCV``. Parameters ---------- n_groups : int, optional (default=10) The number of groups to use for lift and gini computations. score_by : str, optional (default='lift') The metric to return for the ``score`` method. n_folds : int, optional (default=None) The number of folds that are being fit. error_score : float, optional (default=np.nan) The score to return for a ``pd.qcut`` error error_behavior : str, optional (default='warn') One of {'warn', 'raise', 'ignore'}. How to handle non-unique bin edges in pd.qcut """ # maximizing score functions must be multiplied by # -1 in order to most "minimize" some loss function _signs = { 'lift': -1, 'gini': -1 } def __init__(self, n_groups=10, n_folds=None, n_iter=None, score_by='lift', iid=True, error_score=np.nan, error_behavior='warn'): self.n_groups = 10 self.score_by = score_by met = dict_keys(self._signs) self.stats = {m: [] for m in met} self.sample_sizes = [] self.n_folds = n_folds self.n_iter = n_iter self.iid = iid self.error_score = error_score self.error_behavior = error_behavior # validate score_by if score_by not in self._signs: raise ValueError('score_by must be in %s, but got %s' % (', '.join(met), score_by)) # how many to store in the scoring method? if n_folds and not n_iter: raise ValueError('if n_folds is set, must set n_iter')
[docs] def as_data_frame(self): """Get the summary report of the fold fits in the form of a pd.DataFrame. Returns ------- df : pd.DataFrame A dataframe of summary statistics for each fold """ if not self.n_folds: # if there were no folds, these are each individual scores return pd.DataFrame.from_dict(self.stats) else: # otherwise they are cross validation scores... # ensure divisibility... n_obs, n_folds, n_iter = len(self.stats[dict_keys(self._signs)[0]]), self.n_folds, self.n_iter if not (n_folds * n_iter) == n_obs: raise ValueError('n_obs is not divisible by n_folds and n_iter') new_stats = {} for metric in dict_keys(self._signs): new_stats['%s_mean' % metric] = [] # the mean scores new_stats['%s_std' % metric] = [] # the std scores new_stats['%s_min' % metric] = [] # the min scores new_stats['%s_max' % metric] = [] # the max scores idx = 0 for _ in range(n_iter): fold_score = 0 n_test_samples = 0 all_fold_scores = [] for fold in range(n_folds): this_score = self.stats[metric][idx] this_n_test_samples = self.sample_sizes[idx] all_fold_scores.append(this_score) if self.iid: this_score *= this_n_test_samples n_test_samples += this_n_test_samples fold_score += this_score idx += 1 if self.iid: fold_score /= float(n_test_samples) else: fold_score /= float(n_folds) # append the mean score, and then the std of the scores for the folds new_stats['%s_mean' % metric].append(fold_score) new_stats['%s_std' % metric].append(np.std(all_fold_scores)) new_stats['%s_min' % metric].append(np.min(all_fold_scores)) new_stats['%s_max' % metric].append(np.max(all_fold_scores)) df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(new_stats) # let's order by names return df[sorted(df.columns.values)]
def _compute_stats(self, pred, expo, loss, prem): n_samples, n_groups = pred.shape[0], self.n_groups pred_ser = pd.Series(pred) loss_to_returns = np.sum(loss) / np.sum(prem) rank = pd.qcut(pred_ser, n_groups, labels=False) n_groups = np.amax(rank) + 1 groups = np.arange(n_groups) # if we ever go back to using n_groups... tab = pd.DataFrame({ 'rank': rank, 'pred': pred, 'prem': prem, 'loss': loss, 'expo': expo }) grouped = tab[['rank', 'pred', 'prem', 'loss', 'expo']].groupby('rank') agg_rlr = (grouped['loss'].agg(np.sum) / grouped['prem'].agg(np.sum)) / loss_to_returns return tab, agg_rlr, n_groups
[docs] def score(self, _, pred, **kwargs): """Scores the new predictions on the truth set, and stores the results in the internal stats array. Parameters ---------- _ : H2OFrame, np.ndarray The truth set pred : H2OFrame, np.ndarray The predictions Returns ------- scr : float The score (lift/gini) for the new predictions """ scr = self._score(_, pred, True, **kwargs) return scr
[docs] def score_no_store(self, _, pred, **kwargs): """Scores the new predictions on the truth set, and does not store the results in the internal stats array. Parameters ---------- _ : H2OFrame, np.ndarray The truth set pred : H2OFrame, np.ndarray The predictions Returns ------- scr : float The score (lift/gini) for the new predictions """ scr = self._score(_, pred, False, **kwargs) return scr
def _score(self, _, pred, store, **kwargs): """Scores the new predictions on the truth set. Parameters ---------- _ : H2OFrame, np.ndarray The truth set pred : H2OFrame, np.ndarray The predictions store : bool, optional (default=True) Whether to store the results. If called from a grid search, this will store the results. If called from the grid search ``score`` method after fit, it will not. Returns ------- scr : float The score (lift/gini) for the new predictions """ # For scoring from gridsearch... expo, loss, prem = kwargs.get('expo'), kwargs.get('loss'), kwargs.get('prem', None) self.fit_fold(pred, expo, loss, prem, store) # return the score we want... grid search is MINIMIZING # so we need to return negative for maximizing metrics scr = self.stats[self.score_by][-1] * self._signs[self.score_by] return scr
[docs] def fit_fold(self, pred, expo, loss, prem=None, store=True): """Used to fit a single fold of predicted values, exposure and loss data. Parameters ---------- pred : 1d H2OFrame, pd.DataFrame, np.ndarray The array of predictions expo : 1d H2OFrame, pd.DataFrame, np.ndarray The array of exposure values loss : 1d H2OFrame, pd.DataFrame, np.ndarray The array of loss values prem : 1d H2OFrame, pd.DataFrame, np.ndarray, optional (default=None) The array of premium values. If None, is equal to the ``expo`` parameter. store : bool, optional (default=True) Whether or not to store the results of the scoring procedure. This is set to false when calling ``score``, which is intended for test data. Returns ------- self """ # check params if self.error_behavior not in ('warn', 'raise', 'ignore'): raise ValueError('error_behavior must be one of ("warn", "raise", "ignore"). ' 'Encountered %s' % str(self.error_behavior)) on_error = self.error_behavior pred, expo, loss = _as_numpy(pred, expo, loss) if prem is None: prem = np.copy(expo) else: prem = _as_numpy(prem) # compute the stats try: tab, stats, n_groups = self._compute_stats(pred, expo, loss, prem) kwargs = { 'pred': pred, 'expo': expo, 'loss': loss, 'prem': prem, 'stats': stats, 'tab': tab, 'n_groups': n_groups } # compute the metrics. This relies on the convention # that the computation method is the name of the metric # preceded by an underscore... if store: for metric in dict_keys(self._signs): self.stats[metric].append( getattr(self, '_%s' % metric)(**kwargs) ) except ValueError as v: # for a qcut error... if on_error == 'raise': raise v elif on_error == 'warn': warnings.warn('Encountered non-unique bin edges. Score defaults to %s' % str(self.error_score), UserWarning) # if it's ignore, it will pass. if store: for metric in dict_keys(self._signs): self.stats[metric].append(self.error_score) self.sample_sizes.append(pred.shape[0]) return self
def _lift(self, **kwargs): agg = kwargs.pop('stats') n_groups = kwargs.pop('n_groups') f, l = agg[0], agg[n_groups - 1] lft = l / f if l > f else f / l return lft def _gini(self, **kwargs): # we want a copy, not the original tab = kwargs.pop('tab').copy()[['pred', 'loss', 'prem', 'expo']] tab['idx'] = tab.index tab = tab.sort_values(by=['pred', 'idx'], axis=0, inplace=False) cpct = {x: tab[x].cumsum() / tab[x].sum() for x in ('prem', 'loss')} diff_pct = cpct['prem'] - cpct['loss'] return 2 * np.average(diff_pct, weights=tab['expo'])