Source code for skutil.feature_selection.combos

from __future__ import division, print_function
import numpy as np
from sklearn.externals import six
from skutil.odr import QRDecomposition
from .base import _BaseFeatureSelector
from .select import _validate_cols
from ..utils import flatten_all, validate_is_pd
from ..utils.fixes import _cols_if_none

__all__ = [

[docs]class LinearCombinationFilterer(_BaseFeatureSelector): """The ``LinearCombinationFilterer will resolve linear combinations in a numeric matrix. The QR decomposition is used to determine whether the matrix is full rank, and then identify the sets of columns that are involved in the dependencies. This class is adapted from the implementation in the R package, caret. Parameters ---------- cols : array_like, shape=(n_features,), optional (default=None) The names of the columns on which to apply the transformation. If no column names are provided, the transformer will be ``fit`` on the entire frame. Note that the transformation will also only apply to the specified columns, and any other non-specified columns will still be present after transformation. Note that since this transformer can only operate on numeric columns, not explicitly setting the ``cols`` parameter may result in errors for categorical data. as_df : bool, optional (default=True) Whether to return a Pandas ``DataFrame`` in the ``transform`` method. If False, will return a Numpy ``ndarray`` instead. Since most skutil transformers depend on explicitly-named ``DataFrame`` features, the ``as_df`` parameter is True by default. Examples -------- >>> from skutil.utils import load_iris_df >>> >>> X = load_iris_df(include_tgt=False) >>> filterer = LinearCombinationFilterer() >>> X_transform = filterer.fit_transform(X) >>> assert X_transform.shape[1] == 4 # no combos in iris... Attributes ---------- drop_ : array_like, shape=(n_features,) Assigned after calling ``fit``. These are the features that are designated as "bad" and will be dropped in the ``transform`` method. """ def __init__(self, cols=None, as_df=True): super(LinearCombinationFilterer, self).__init__(cols=cols, as_df=as_df)
[docs] def fit(self, X, y=None): """Fit the transformer. Parameters ---------- X : Pandas ``DataFrame``, shape=(n_samples, n_features) The Pandas frame to fit. The frame will only be fit on the prescribed ``cols`` (see ``__init__``) or all of them if ``cols`` is None. Furthermore, ``X`` will not be altered in the process of the fit. y : None Passthrough for ``sklearn.pipeline.Pipeline``. Even if explicitly set, will not change behavior of ``fit``. Returns ------- self """ self.fit_transform(X, y) return self
[docs] def fit_transform(self, X, y=None): """Fit the transformer and return the transformed training array. Parameters ---------- X : Pandas ``DataFrame``, shape=(n_samples, n_features) The Pandas frame to fit. The frame will only be fit on the prescribed ``cols`` (see ``__init__``) or all of them if ``cols`` is None. Furthermore, ``X`` will not be altered in the process of the fit. y : None Passthrough for ``sklearn.pipeline.Pipeline``. Even if explicitly set, will not change behavior of ``fit``. Returns ------- self """ # check on state of X and cols X, self.cols = validate_is_pd(X, self.cols, assert_all_finite=True) # must all be finite for fortran _validate_cols(self.cols) # init drops list drops = [] # Generate sub matrix for qr decomposition cols = _cols_if_none(X, self.cols) # get a copy of the cols x = X[cols].as_matrix() cols = np.array(cols) # so we can do boolean indexing # do subroutines lc_list = _enum_lc(QRDecomposition(x)) if lc_list is not None: while lc_list is not None: # we want the first index in each of the keys in the dict bad = np.array([p for p in set([v[0] for _, v in six.iteritems(lc_list)])]) # get the corresponding bad names bad_nms = cols[bad] drops.extend(bad_nms) # update our X, and then our cols x = np.delete(x, bad, axis=1) cols = np.delete(cols, bad) # keep removing linear dependencies until it resolves lc_list = _enum_lc(QRDecomposition(x)) # will break when lc_list returns None # Assign attributes, return self.drop_ = [p for p in set(drops)] # a list from the a set of the drops dropped = X.drop(self.drop_, axis=1) return dropped if self.as_df else dropped.as_matrix()
def _enum_lc(decomp): """Perform a single iteration of linear combo scoping. Parameters ---------- decomp : a ``QRDecomposition`` object The QR decomposition of the matrix """ # qr = decomp.qr # the decomposition matrix # extract the R matrix R = decomp.get_R() # the R matrix n_features = R.shape[1] # number of columns in R # is_zero = n_features == 0 # whether there are no features rank = decomp.get_rank() # the rank of the original matrix, or num of independent cols if not (rank == n_features): pivot = decomp.pivot # the pivot vector X = R[:rank, :rank] # extract the independent cols Y = R[:rank, rank:] # +1? # extract the dependent columns new_qr = QRDecomposition(X) # factor the independent columns b = new_qr.get_coef(Y) # get regression coefficients of dependent cols # if b is None, then there were no dependent columns if b is not None: b[np.abs(b) < 1e-6] = 0 # zap small values # will return a dict of {dim : list of bad idcs} d = {} row_idcs = np.arange(b.shape[0]) for i in range(Y.shape[1]): # should only ever be 1, right? nested = [ pivot[rank+i], pivot[row_idcs[b[:, i] != 0]] ] d[i] = flatten_all(nested) return d # if we get here, there are no linear combos to discover return None