.. _balance: ===================== The balance submodule ===================== The balance submodule provides methods for rectifying class imbalance by either augmenting or down-sampling the dataset. As with most skoot methods, each of these functions works on either Numpy array objects or Pandas DataFrames. | As of version 0.19, there are three methods of balancing data: * `Under-sampling (the majority class) <./generated/skoot.balance.over_sample_balance.html#skoot-balance-under-sample-balance>`_ * `Over-sampling (the minority class) <./generated/skoot.balance.over_sample_balance.html#skoot-balance-over-sample-balance>`_ * `SMOTE <./generated/skoot.balance.over_sample_balance.html#skoot-balance-smote-balance>`_ These balancing functions are *not* transformers, since balancing should never be applied to test data. They are simply functions that should be applied to training data prior to fitting a model. | See :ref:`balance_examples` .. raw:: html